FREE Programs Offered Now!

Hello Future
Hello Future's vision is that youth will be mentally and physically healthy. This will allow teens to stay in school so they can graduate to have a successful life, career, a safe place to live, become leaders in the community, and achieve their dreams.
Hello Future is sponsored by the King County Best Starts for Kids Levy, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and SAMHSA.
To learn more or to participate

SPORT© Workshops
SPORT is a brief workshop teaching youth how to avoid substance abuse, while encouraging them to stay physically fit!
This is presented in tandem with the 206-Rising program.
To set up or attend a workshop

Guiding Good Choices Parenting & Family Sessions
Guiding Good Choices (GGC) is a multi-session program for parents/caregivers of children ages 7-16 s old. Sessions teach how to best guide children through early adolescence and clarify family expectations for behavior and substance prevention.
Full program typically includes five 2 hr sessions
Offered in 7 different languages
FREE Dinner and Childcare provided during sessions
Background/Goal: GGC is based on research that shows that consistent, positive parental involvement is important to helping children resist substance use and other antisocial behaviors.
Content: The current intervention is a five-session curriculum that addresses:
Preventing substance abuse
Setting clear family expectations regarding drugs & alcohol
Avoiding trouble
Managing family conflict
Strengthening family bonds
Sessions are interactive and skill based, with opportunities
for parents to practice new skills and receive feedback, and
use video-based vignettes to demonstrate parenting skills.
Families also receive a Family Guide containing family activities,
discussion topics, skill-building exercises, and information on
positive parenting.
To set up or attend a workshop